- Guessing
It looks like you are new here
It looks like you don"t know what happened
Perhaps she knows the answer
I’d say it's over 9 a.m now 9
If I had to take a guess, I’d say he’s forty
Maybe he wants to quit his job
Maybe it’s going to rain
Chances are you are doing it wrong
He could be right about it
I guess you are over 30 years old 30
It’s difficult to say, but I think this is the best English course
I am not really sure, but I think this is the last morning train
- Guessing التخمين
It looks like you are new here يبدو أنك جديد هنا
It looks like you don’t know what happened يبدو أنك لا تعرف ما حدث
Perhaps she knows the answer ربما تعرف الإجابة
I’d say it's over 9 a.m now أود أن أقول إنها أكثر من 9 صباحا الآن
If I had to take a guess, I’d say he’s forty إذا اضطررت إلى التخمين ، فسأقول إنه في الأربعين من عمره
Maybe he wants to quit his job ربما يريد ترك وظيفته
Maybe it’s going to rain ربما ستمطر
Chances are you are doing it wrong من المحتمل أنك تفعل ذلك بشكل خاطئ
He could be right about it يمكن أن يكون على حق في ذلك
I guess you are over 30 years old أعتقد أن عمرك يزيد عن 30 عاما
It’s difficult to say, but I think this is the best English course من الصعب القول ، لكنني أعتقد أن هذه هي أفضل دورة في اللغة الإنجليزية
I am not really sure, but I think this is the last morning train لست متأكدا حقا ، لكنني أعتقد أن هذا هو قطار الصباح الأخير